:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Cluster.build_push_image cluster build_push_image ======================== Build and publish an image to quay using either a Dockerfile or git repo. Parameters ---------- ``image_local_name`` * Name of locally built image. ``tag`` * Tag for the image to build. ``namespace`` * Namespace where the local image will be built. ``remote_repo`` * Remote image repo to push to. If undefined, the image will not be pushed. ``remote_auth_file`` * Auth file for the remote repository. ``git_repo`` * Git repo containing Dockerfile if used as source. If undefined, the local path of 'dockerfile_path' will be used. ``git_ref`` * Git commit ref (branch, tag, commit hash) in the git repository. ``dockerfile_path`` * Path/Name of Dockerfile if used as source. If 'git_repo' is undefined, this path will be resolved locally, and the Dockerfile will be injected in the image BuildConfig. * default value: ``Dockerfile`` ``context_dir`` * Context dir inside the git repository. * default value: ``/`` ``memory`` * Flag to specify the required memory to build the image (in Gb). * type: Float ``from_image`` * Base image to use, instead of the FROM image specified in the Dockerfile. ``from_imagetag`` * Base imagestreamtag to use, instead of the FROM image specified in the Dockerfile.