:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Cluster.create_osd cluster create_osd ================== Create an OpenShift Dedicated cluster. Secret_file: KUBEADMIN_PASS: password of the default kubeadmin user. AWS_ACCOUNT_ID AWS_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SECRET_KEY: Credentials to access AWS. Parameters ---------- ``cluster_name`` * The name to give to the cluster. ``secret_file`` * The file containing the cluster creation credentials. ``kubeconfig`` * The KUBECONFIG file to populate with the access to the cluster. ``version`` * OpenShift version to deploy. * default value: ``4.10.15`` ``region`` * AWS region where the cluster will be deployed. * default value: ``us-east-1`` ``htaccess_idp_name`` * Name of the Identity provider that will be created for the admin account. * default value: ``htpasswd`` ``compute_machine_type`` * Name of the AWS machine instance type that will be used for the compute nodes. * default value: ``m5.xlarge`` ``compute_nodes`` * The number of compute nodes to create. A minimum of 2 is required by OSD. * type: Int * default value: ``2`` # Constants # Name of the worker node machinepool # Defined as a constant in Cluster.create_osd cluster_create_osd_machinepool_name: default # Group that the admin account will be part of. # Defined as a constant in Cluster.create_osd cluster_create_osd_kubeadmin_group: cluster-admins # Name of the admin account that will be created. # Defined as a constant in Cluster.create_osd cluster_create_osd_kubeadmin_name: kubeadmin