:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Cpt.deploy_cpt_dashboard cpt deploy_cpt_dashboard ======================== Deploy and configure the CPT Dashboard Example of secret properties file: admin_password=adminpasswd Parameters ---------- ``frontend_istag`` * Imagestream tag to use for the frontend container ``backend_istag`` * Imagestream tag to use for the backend container ``plugin_name`` * Name of the CPT Dashboard plugin to configure ``es_url`` * URL of the OpenSearch backend ``es_indice`` * Indice of the OpenSearch backend ``es_username`` * Username to use to login into OpenSearch ``secret_properties_file`` * Path of a file containing the OpenSearch user credentials ``namespace`` * Namespace in which the application will be deployed * default value: ``topsail-cpt-dashboard``