:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Gpu_Operator.deploy_from_operatorhub gpu_operator deploy_from_operatorhub ==================================== Deploys the GPU operator from OperatorHub Parameters ---------- ``namespace`` * Optional namespace in which the GPU Operator will be deployed. Before v1.9, the value must be "openshift-operators". With >=v1.9, the namespace can freely chosen. Default: nvidia-gpu-operator. * default value: ``nvidia-gpu-operator`` ``version`` * Optional version to deploy. If unspecified, deploys the latest version available in the selected channel. Run the toolbox gpu_operator list_version_from_operator_hub subcommand to see the available versions. ``channel`` * Optional channel to deploy from. If unspecified, deploys the CSV's default channel. ``installPlan`` * Optional InstallPlan approval mode (Automatic or Manual [default]) * default value: ``Manual``