:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Kserve.validate_model kserve validate_model ===================== Validate the proper deployment of a KServe model Warning: This command requires `grpcurl` to be available in the PATH. Parameters ---------- ``inference_service_names`` * A list of names of the inference service to validate ``query_count`` * Number of query to perform ``runtime`` * Name of the runtime used (standalone-tgis or vllm) ``model_id`` * The model-id to pass to the inference service * default value: ``not-used`` ``namespace`` * The namespace in which the Serving stack was deployed. If empty, use the current project. ``raw_deployment`` * If True, do not try to configure anything related to Serverless. Works only in-cluster at the moment. ``method`` * The gRPC method to call #TODO remove? ``proto`` * If not empty, the proto file to pass to grpcurl