:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Llm_Load_Test.run llm_load_test run ================= Load test the wisdom model Parameters ---------- ``host`` * The host endpoint of the gRPC call ``port`` * The gRPC port on the specified host ``duration`` * The duration of the load testing ``plugin`` * The llm-load-test plugin to use (tgis_grpc_plugin or caikit_client_plugin for now) * default value: ``tgis_grpc_plugin`` ``interface`` * (http or grpc) the interface to use for llm-load-test-plugins that support both * default value: ``grpc`` ``model_id`` * The ID of the model to pass along with the GRPC call * default value: ``not-used`` ``src_path`` * Path where llm-load-test has been cloned * default value: ``projects/llm_load_test/subprojects/llm-load-test/`` ``streaming`` * Whether to stream the llm-load-test requests * default value: ``True`` ``use_tls`` * Whether to set use_tls: True (grpc in Serverless mode) ``concurrency`` * Number of concurrent simulated users sending requests * default value: ``16`` ``max_input_tokens`` * Max input tokens in llm load test to filter the dataset * default value: ``1024`` ``max_output_tokens`` * Max output tokens in llm load test to filter the dataset * default value: ``512`` ``max_sequence_tokens`` * Max sequence tokens in llm load test to filter the dataset * default value: ``1536`` ``endpoint`` * Name of the endpoint to query (for openai plugin only) * default value: ``/v1/completions``