:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Local_Ci.run local_ci run ============ Runs a given CI command Parameters ---------- ``ci_command`` * The CI command to run. ``pr_number`` * The ID of the PR to use for the repository. ``git_repo`` * The Github repo to use. * default value: ``https://github.com/openshift-psap/topsail`` ``git_ref`` * The Github ref to use. * default value: ``main`` ``namespace`` * The namespace in which the image. * default value: ``topsail`` ``istag`` * The imagestream tag to use. * default value: ``topsail:main`` ``pod_name`` * The name to give to the Pod running the CI command. * default value: ``topsail`` ``service_account`` * Name of the ServiceAccount to use for running the Pod. * default value: ``default`` ``secret_name`` * Name of the Secret to mount in the Pod. ``secret_env_key`` * Name of the environment variable with which the secret path will be exposed in the Pod. ``test_name`` * Name of the test being executed. * default value: ``local-ci-test`` ``test_args`` * List of arguments to give to the test. ``init_command`` * Command to run in the container before running anything else. ``export_bucket_name`` * Name of the S3 bucket where the artifacts should be exported. ``export_test_run_identifier`` * Identifier of the test being executed (will be a dirname). * default value: ``default`` ``export`` * If True, exports the artifacts to the S3 bucket. If False, do not run the export command. * default value: ``True`` ``retrieve_artifacts`` * If False, do not retrieve locally the test artifacts. * default value: ``True`` ``pr_config`` * Optional path to a PR config file (avoids fetching Github PR json). ``update_git`` * If True, updates the git repo with the latest main/PR before running the test. * default value: ``True``