:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Local_Ci.run_multi local_ci run_multi ================== Runs a given CI command in parallel from multiple Pods Parameters ---------- ``ci_command`` * The CI command to run. ``user_count`` * Batch job parallelism count. * type: Int * default value: ``1`` ``namespace`` * The namespace in which the image. * default value: ``topsail`` ``istag`` * The imagestream tag to use. * default value: ``topsail:main`` ``job_name`` * The name to give to the Job running the CI command. * default value: ``topsail`` ``service_account`` * Name of the ServiceAccount to use for running the Pod. * default value: ``default`` ``secret_name`` * Name of the Secret to mount in the Pod. ``secret_env_key`` * Name of the environment variable with which the secret path will be exposed in the Pod. ``retrieve_artifacts`` * If False, do not retrieve locally the test artifacts. ``minio_namespace`` * Namespace where the Minio server is located. ``minio_bucket_name`` * Name of the bucket in the Minio server. ``minio_secret_key_key`` * Key inside 'secret_env_key' containing the secret to access the Minio bucket. Must be in the form 'user_password=SECRET_KEY'. ``variable_overrides`` * Optional path to the variable_overrides config file (avoids fetching Github PR json). ``use_local_config`` * If true, gives the local configuration file ($TOPSAIL_FROM_CONFIG_FILE) to the Pods. * default value: ``True`` ``capture_prom_db`` * If True, captures the Prometheus DB of the systems. * type: Bool * default value: ``True`` ``git_pull`` * If True, update the repo in the image with the latest version of the build ref before running the command in the Pods. * type: Bool ``state_signal_redis_server`` * Optional address of the Redis server to pass to StateSignal synchronization. If empty, do not perform any synchronization. ``sleep_factor`` * Delay (in seconds) between the start of each of the users. ``user_batch_size`` * Number of users to launch after the sleep delay. * default value: ``1`` ``abort_on_failure`` * If true, let the Job abort the parallel execution on the first Pod failure. If false, ignore the process failure and track the overall failure count with a flag. ``need_all_success`` * If true, fails the execution if any of the Pods failed. If false, fails it if none of the Pods succeed. ``launch_as_daemon`` * If true, do not wait for the job to complete. Most of the options above become irrelevant