:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Nfd_Operator.deploy_from_operatorhub nfd_operator deploy_from_operatorhub ==================================== Deploys the NFD Operator from OperatorHub Parameters ---------- ``channel`` * The operator hub channel to deploy. e.g. 4.7 # Constants # # Defined as a constant in Nfd_Operator.deploy_from_operatorhub cluster_deploy_operator_deploy_cr: true # # Defined as a constant in Nfd_Operator.deploy_from_operatorhub cluster_deploy_operator_namespace: openshift-nfd # # Defined as a constant in Nfd_Operator.deploy_from_operatorhub cluster_deploy_operator_manifest_name: nfd # # Defined as a constant in Nfd_Operator.deploy_from_operatorhub cluster_deploy_operator_catalog: redhat-operators