:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Notebooks.benchmark_performance notebooks benchmark_performance =============================== Benchmark the performance of a notebook image. Parameters ---------- ``namespace`` * Namespace in which the notebook will be deployed, if not deploying with RHODS. * default value: ``rhods-notebooks`` ``imagestream`` * Imagestream to use to look up the notebook Pod image. * default value: ``s2i-generic-data-science-notebook`` ``imagestream_tag`` * Imagestream tag to use to look up the notebook Pod image. If emtpy and and the image stream has only one tag, use it. Fails otherwise. ``notebook_directory`` * Directory containing the files to mount in the notebook. * default value: ``projects/notebooks/testing/notebooks/`` ``notebook_filename`` * Name of the ipynb notebook file to execute with JupyterLab. * default value: ``benchmark_entrypoint.ipynb`` ``benchmark_name`` * Name of the benchmark to execute in the notebook. * default value: ``pyperf_bm_go.py`` ``benchmark_repeat`` * Number of repeats of the benchmark to perform for one time measurement. * type: Int * default value: ``1`` ``benchmark_number`` * Number of times the benchmark time measurement should be done. * type: Int * default value: ``1``