:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Notebooks.ods_ci_scale_test notebooks ods_ci_scale_test =========================== End-to-end scale testing of ROAI notebooks, at user level. Parameters ---------- ``namespace`` * Namespace in which the scale test should be deployed. ``idp_name`` * Name of the identity provider to use. ``username_prefix`` * Prefix of the usernames to use to run the scale test. ``user_count`` * Number of users to run in parallel. * type: Int ``secret_properties_file`` * Path of a file containing the properties of LDAP secrets. (See 'deploy_ldap' command) ``notebook_url`` * URL from which the notebook will be downloaded. ``minio_namespace`` * Namespace where the Minio server is located. ``minio_bucket_name`` * Name of the bucket in the Minio server. ``user_index_offset`` * Offset to add to the user index to compute the user name. * type: Int ``sut_cluster_kubeconfig`` * Path of the system-under-test cluster's Kubeconfig. If provided, the RHODS endpoints will be looked up in this cluster. ``artifacts_collected`` * - 'all' - 'no-screenshot' - 'no-screenshot-except-zero' - 'no-screenshot-except-failed' - 'no-screenshot-except-failed-and-zero' - 'none' * default value: ``all`` ``user_sleep_factor`` * Delay to sleep between users * default value: ``1.0`` ``user_batch_size`` * Number of users to launch at the same time. * type: Int * default value: ``1`` ``ods_ci_istag`` * Imagestream tag of the ODS-CI container image. ``ods_ci_exclude_tags`` * Tags to exclude in the ODS-CI test case. * default value: ``None`` ``ods_ci_test_case`` * Robot test case name. * default value: ``notebook_dsg_test.robot`` ``artifacts_exporter_istag`` * Imagestream tag of the artifacts exporter side-car container image. ``notebook_image_name`` * Notebook image name. * default value: ``s2i-generic-data-science-notebook`` ``notebook_size_name`` * Notebook size. * default value: ``Small`` ``notebook_benchmark_name`` * Benchmark script file name to execute in the notebook. * default value: ``pyperf_bm_go.py`` ``notebook_benchmark_number`` * Number of the benchmarks executions per repeat. * default value: ``20`` ``notebook_benchmark_repeat`` * Number of the benchmark repeats to execute. * default value: ``2`` ``state_signal_redis_server`` * Hostname and port of the Redis server for StateSignal synchronization (for the synchronization of the beginning of the user simulation) ``toleration_key`` * Toleration key to use for the test Pods. ``capture_prom_db`` * If True, captures the Prometheus DB of the systems. * type: Bool * default value: ``True`` ``stop_notebooks_on_exit`` * If False, keep the user notebooks running at the end of the test. * type: Bool * default value: ``True`` ``only_create_notebooks`` * If True, only create the notebooks, but don't start them. This will overwrite the value of 'ods_ci_exclude_tags'. * type: Bool ``driver_running_on_spot`` * If True, consider that the driver Pods are running on Spot instances and can disappear at any time. * type: Bool