:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Rhods.deploy_ods rhods deploy_ods ================ Deploy ODS operator from its custom catalog Parameters ---------- ``catalog_image`` * Container image containing the RHODS bundle. ``tag`` * Catalog image tag to use to deploy RHODS. ``channel`` * The channel to use for the deployment. Let empty to use the default channel. ``version`` * The version to deploy. Let empty to install the last version available. ``disable_dsc_config`` * If True, pass the flag to disable DSC configuration ``opendatahub`` * If True, deploys a OpenDataHub manifest instead of RHOAI ``managed_rhoai`` * If True, deploys RHOAI with the Managed Service flag. If False, deploys it as Self-Managed. * default value: ``True``