:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Scheduler.generate_load scheduler generate_load ======================= Generate scheduler load Parameters ---------- ``namespace`` * Name of the namespace where the scheduler load will be generated ``base_name`` * Name prefix for the scheduler resources * default value: ``sched-test-`` ``job_template_name`` * Name of the job template to use inside the AppWrapper * default value: ``sleeper`` ``aw_states_target`` * List of expected AppWrapper target states ``aw_states_unexpected`` * List of AppWrapper states that fail the test ``mode`` * Mcad, kueue, coscheduling or job * default value: ``job`` ``count`` * Number of resources to create * default value: ``3`` ``pod_count`` * Number of Pods to create in each of the AppWrappers * default value: ``1`` ``pod_runtime`` * Run time parameter to pass to the Pod * default value: ``30`` ``pod_requests`` * Requests to pass to the Pod definition * default value: ``{'cpu': '100m'}`` ``timespan`` * Number of minutes over which the resources should be created ``distribution`` * The distribution method to use to spread the resource creation over the requested timespan * default value: ``poisson`` ``scheduler_load_generator`` * The path of the scheduler load generator to launch * default value: ``projects/scheduler/subprojects/scheduler-load-generator/generator.py`` ``kueue_queue`` * The name of the Kueue queue to use * default value: ``local-queue`` ``resource_kind`` * The kind of resource created by the load generator * default value: ``job``