:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Storage.deploy_nfs_provisioner storage deploy_nfs_provisioner ============================== Deploy NFS Provisioner Parameters ---------- ``namespace`` * The namespace where the resources will be deployed * default value: ``nfs-provisioner`` ``pvc_sc`` * The name of the storage class to use for the NFS-provisioner PVC * default value: ``gp3-csi`` ``pvc_size`` * The size of the PVC to give to the NFS-provisioner * default value: ``10Gi`` ``storage_class_name`` * The name of the storage class that will be created * default value: ``nfs-provisioner`` ``default_sc`` * Set to true to mark the storage class as default in the cluster