:orphan: .. _Auto-generated file, do not edit manually ... _Toolbox generate command: repo generate_toolbox_rst_documentation _ Source component: Storage.download_to_pvc storage download_to_pvc ======================= Downloads the a dataset into a PVC of the cluster Parameters ---------- ``name`` * Name of the data source ``source`` * URL of the source data ``pvc_name`` * Name of the PVC that will be create to store the dataset files. ``namespace`` * Name of the namespace in which the PVC will be created ``creds`` * Path to credentials to use for accessing the dataset. ``storage_dir`` * The path where to store the downloaded files, in the PVC * default value: ``/`` ``clean_first`` * If True, clears the storage directory before downloading. ``pvc_access_mode`` * The access mode to request when creating the PVC * default value: ``ReadWriteOnce`` ``pvc_size`` * The size of the PVC to request, when creating the PVC * default value: ``80Gi`` ``pvc_storage_class_name`` * The name of the storage class to pass when creating the PVC ``image`` * The image to use for running the download Pod * default value: ``registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi``