The Reusable Toolbox Layer ========================== TOPSAIL's toolbox provides an extensive set of reusable functionalities. It is a critical part of the test orchestration, as the toolbox commands are in charge of the majority of the operations affecting the state of the cluster. The Ansible-based design of the toolbox has proved along the last years to be a key element in the efficiency of TOPSAIL-based performance and scale investigations. The Ansible roles are always executed locally, with a custom stdout callback for easy log reading. In the design of toolbox framework, post-mortem troubleshooting is one of the key concerns. The roles are always executed with a dedicated artifact directory (``{{ artifact_extra_logs_dir }}``), when the tasks are expected to store their generated source artifacts (``src`` directory), the state of the resources they have changed (``artifacts`` directory). The role should also store any other information helpful to understand why the role execution failed, as well as any "proof" that it executed its task correctly. These artifacts will be reviewed after the test execution, to understand what went wrong, if the cluster was in the right state, etc. The artifacts can also be parsed by the post-mortem visualization engine, to extract test results, timing information, etc: :: - name: Create the src artifacts directory file: path: "{{ artifact_extra_logs_dir }}/src/" state: directory mode: '0755' - name: Create the nginx HTTPS route shell: set -o pipefail; oc create route passthrough nginx-secure --service=nginx --port=https -n "{{ cluster_deploy_nginx_server_namespace }}" --dry-run=client -oyaml | yq -y '.apiVersion = ""' | tee "{{ artifact_extra_logs_dir }}/src/route_nginx-secure.yaml" | oc apply -f - - name: Create the artifacts artifacts directory file: path: "{{ artifact_extra_logs_dir }}/artifacts/" state: directory mode: '0755' - name: Get the status of the Deployment and Pod shell: oc get deploy/nginx-deployment -owide -n "{{ cluster_deploy_nginx_server_namespace }}" > "{{ artifact_extra_logs_dir }}/artifacts/deployment.status"; oc get pods -l app=nginx -owide -n "{{ cluster_deploy_nginx_server_namespace }}" > "{{ artifact_extra_logs_dir }}/artifacts/pod.status"; oc describe pods -l app=nginx -n "{{ cluster_deploy_nginx_server_namespace }}" > "{{ artifact_extra_logs_dir }}/artifacts/pod.descr"; The commands are coded with Ansible roles, with a Python API and CLI interface on top of it. So this entrypoint: :: @AnsibleRole("cluster_deploy_nginx_server") @AnsibleMappedParams def deploy_nginx_server(self, namespace, directory): """ Deploy an NGINX HTTP server Args: namespace: namespace where the server will be deployed. Will be create if it doesn't exist. directory: directory containing the files to serve on the HTTP server. """ will be translated into this CLI: :: $ ./ cluster deploy_nginx_server --help INFO: Showing help with the command ' cluster deploy_nginx_server -- --help'. NAME cluster deploy_nginx_server - Deploy an NGINX HTTP server SYNOPSIS cluster deploy_nginx_server VALUE | NAMESPACE DIRECTORY DESCRIPTION Deploy an NGINX HTTP server POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS NAMESPACE namespace where the server will be deployed. Will be create if it doesn't exist. DIRECTORY directory containing the files to serve on the HTTP server.